Located in Upper Egypt, the existence of Abu Simbel was greatly threatened by the rising turbulent waters of L. Nasser, growing fiercely behind Aswan Dam. UNESCO sponsored the archaeological rescue plan that aimed at restoring the glory of Abu Simbel. This great complex of temples is a dedication to Pharaoh Ramsis II, popularly known as ‘the Great’. For many years now, Abu Simbel has remained an unforgettable and evocative destination for tourists all over the world. The village of Abu Simbel is located between the border of Egypt and Sudan. Ideally, the settlement here is quite small to attract any meaningful visitors and its great temples are the most famous kind of attraction.
While this village has 5 great hotels that can accommodate tourists for a night stay, most of them just visit Abu Simbel for few hours and then proceed on to visiting other iconic attractions in Egypt such as the iconic pyramids.

The Great Ramses II temple was reassembled recently at the front of a fake mountain and it is now designed like a basketball court. This fake mountain resembles a solid rock and looks so real from a distance. According to archaeologists, the big sizes of the statues at the temple were probably intended for scaring off potential enemies who approached the country’s southern region along the Nile. Daily flights are offered by
Egypt Air to Abu Simbel and there are also many other smaller flights offering connections between Abu Simbel and the Aswan.

Abu Simbel town is quite small and you can navigate most of it on foot. Most travelers come here for their day trip as it is the best time to see those magnanimous temples built here that make pyramids even less majestic. The main attraction in Abu Simbel is the Great Temple of Ramses II. These four huge statues of Ramses and you will enjoy touring all over the temples. The Temple of Hathor is well reputed to be one of the best-preserved Egyptian temples and it is a historical feature today. The Sound and Light Show is a thrilling entertainment show to be part of in Abu Simbel. Every visitor is given headphones so that they can listen to the commentaries in different languages.

Before you arrive at Abu Simbel, it is advisable that you read a lot of literature about the history of the temples so that you can gain a better understanding while there. This is because you are likely to have a limited time in Abu Simbel and you will barely manage to read writings on the stone carvings. Abu Simbel temples have now been reconstructed and give them an entirely real appearance.

In fact, not so many people even realize that the temples are carved on a fake mountain as everything looks so real. You might need to carry some beverages and snacks along with you. This is because while there are many roadside roads, the prices are significantly high and less affordable for budget tourists.