Jamestown is believed to the first site to be settled permanently by English in America, dating back in 1600. History museums and gallery exhibits in Jamestown tell the story of the early founds Saint Helena and the various Virginia Indians whom they encountered during the period. While there might not be so many interesting things here, hand- on and other activities make it a famous destination for travel especially for kids. There are many historical interpreters at Jamestown who provide visitors with interactive demonstrations regarding the technology the first inhabitants used in the 17th century and their way of life.

Jamestown has quite a range of attractions and things to do for an adventurous visitor. To start with, visitors get invited to the ground corn; there is a unique dugout canoe at the site where visitors climb while others can try steering with the tiller of whip staff. Examining the contents at the grind is always enjoyable in addition to taking a short inventory of the supplies. Besides this, tourists play ninepins and quoits and there are also many other activities that can be experienced. Jamestown settlement will take about three hours to explore fully and the area including the entire
Saint Helena is referred to as the America Historic Jungle. This historic region is actually a great destination to visit and its location not far away from Washington DC makes traveling here very convenient.

There is the Jamestown museum and visitor center which was just opened a few years back. The center features a theatre and then there are gallery exhibits detailing the chronicles of St. Helena during the 17th century when Jamestown was just starting as a settlement. There is an introduction film visitors can get an overview of the way English, African, and Powhatan Indian cultures influenced settlement at Jamestown. There is also a wide range of exhibits including portraits, furnishings, documents, toys, decorative and ceremonial objects, weapons, and tools alongside many archaeological artifacts which are displayed at the museum. An education wing at the visitor center is also available as well as classrooms, offices, café, and a gift shop selling artifacts.

The Powhatan Indian village at Jamestown is always worthy of a visit after you have viewed exhibits at the museum. This is a recreation of the site that was inhabited by the Paspahegh Indians once. This village consists of a number of houses that are made using sapling frames and covered with some reed mats. There is a ceremonial dancing circle at the center of the site and a small garden.

The historical interpreters at the site will tell you everything about the way of life of the Powhatan. They also grow food that they prepare for visitors and there are also tools making, animal hides processing, and natural fiber weaving and pottery activities as well. Colonial settlement in St. Helena between 1610 and 1614 is represented at James Fort showcasing its commercial character and the predominant military presence. The fort has dwellings, the court of the guard, Anglican Church, merchant office, governor house, and a storehouse.