Tourist attractions in Spain are very many but here are a few that might interest you. Ibiza Balearic Island in the Mediterranean Sea which is the most popular party destinations in Europe. The island has some of the world’s most vibrant nightlife and during summer, tourists flock to Ibiza to enjoy night clubs, beach bars, and restaurants.

El Escorial a tourist attraction located at the foothills of the Sierra de Guadarrama. It was the political Aqueduct of Segovia is an important piece of history and a popular attraction. It is one of the best-preserved monuments left by the Romans in Spain. The ancient aqueduct carries water 16 km (10 miles) from the Frio River to Segovia and was built of some 24,000 massive granite blocks without the use of mortar. Constructed around 50 AD it still provided water to the city in the 20th century.

l center of the Spanish empire under King Philip II. It was build by Juan Bautista de Toledo in 1559 as a monument to Spain’s role as a center of the Christian world. Nowadays it serves as a monastery, royal palace, museum, and school.

Cuenca is a marvelous medieval city located between Madrid and Valencia. It was built on the steep sides of a mountain. The many “hanging houses” are built right up to the cliff edge, making Cuenca one of the most striking towns in Spain, a gem in the province of Castilla La Mancha.

Read more about: Spain Tourist Attractions.