When talking about Europe’s beauty most people say Italy is in the top five. This also includes Rome, the most diverse place with monuments, colors, and tastes that date back into the Renaissance. This travel destination is worth visiting so you can see and enjoy the old Rome times, mixed with the traditional today’s ordinary people. Rome is the place of the Popes, Rome is also the Imperial Rome, Rome is the romantic place for all those people who want to experience a truly amazing place that will warm your heart. Rome is also protected by UNESCO due to the 2000 ancient history this place has.

This travel destination is not for the people who want to stay indoors and rest. This is a very busy and active place that wants you to get up and go visit places. If you want to see the work of Michelangelo and Botticelli you could go to the Vatican and Sistine Chapel.

This travel spot also has places to visit for the people who want to come in contact with Christianity. St. Peter’s Basilica is the perfect place to go if you want to experience the Christian spirit. This structure I filled with paintings and frescoes from the Christian religion. If on the other hand, you are a fashion person, visit the Spanish Steps that holds fashion show once a year in the summer.

I’m sure that all of you have at least heard about this monument in Rome. This is by far the most visited and biggest in the Roman world started by Emperor Vespasian of the Flavia family and opened in 80 A.D. by his son Titus. The opening ceremony for the Colosseum lasted 100 days filled with gladiator fights and shows with animal sacrifice. One of the most amazing parts of the opening was the naumachias that are battles that were held in water to replica the old times.

Read more about Rome General Info & Travel Guide