Meteora is a name referred to as a group of Christian monasteries as well as the place where the monasteries are located. Meteor is a region of Greece with a large pinnacle rising from a plain ground. Meteora has been famous for its unique, mind-blowing landscape that can never be seen in any other part of the world. This landscape consists of high and large rock pinnacles that rise to a height of over one thousand feet from the plain ground of Thessaly. Another feature of this place that amazes its visitors is that there are large buildings established and still standing at the top of these pinnacles for many centuries. This makes Meteora a significant attraction site in the whole world.

The buildings built on top of the pinnacles are known to the region as monasteries. These monasteries are sites set aside by the Christian Monks and nuns to commemorate important events related to Jesus Christ. The monasteries are Ascension of Jesus Christ Monastery, Transfiguration of the Savior Monastery, Varlaam Monastery, Saint Nikolas Anapafsas Monastery, Roussanou Monastery, Holy Trinity Monastery, and Saint Stephan Monastery. The base of the rock pinnacles is Kalampaka City where many people opt to dwell because it is on level ground.
The construction of these monasteries is dated back to the fourteenth century. The Monks used to live in the caves of Meteora but were invaded and forced to move to the rocky-pinnacle area of Meteora. This is the place where they decided to construct the six pinnacles in the nineteenth century concerning the Christian’s savior Jesus Christ and other saints that supported the Christian religious beliefs. The process of building the monasteries was hectic due to the heights of the pinnacles and their inaccessibility but the monks with the help of nuns managed to complete the construction and the furnishing by the sixteenth century.
The Transfiguration of Jesus Monastery is the largest of the six monasteries constructed in the fourteenth century. It is also known as the Monastery of Great Metreon. It has a museum and the Katholikon Church built to honor the transfiguration of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Trinity Monastery was constructed in the fifteenth century to honor the association of God: The Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and The Holy Spirit as one God.
Varlaam Monastery was built in the sixteenth century to honor all saints of the Christian religion. It has a museum and a church.
Roussanou Monastery also known as the Saint Barbra Monastery was established in the sixteenth century.
Saint Nicholas Monastery was established in the sixteenth century. It is a church with decorative artwork by a professional painter known as Theophanis Strelitzias.
Saint Stephen Monastery was built in the sixteenth century and is the only monastery standing on the Thessaly Plain instead of high ground.
Other natural features that impress visitors are the dramatic Pindus Mountains and River Pineios. Kastraki Village is a nice place to visit and familiarize me with the culture of the people. The caves where the Monks used to dwell in still exist in Meteora and are part of the must-see attraction sites in Meteora.
Things you can do in Meteora are: enjoy cable car riding between the pinnacles when migrating from one monastery to another, climbing along the pinnacles if you are a skilled mountain climber., stroll along with Kalampaka City, shop for trendy items in the shopping centers of the city and try out the rich cuisine of the area in the fine restaurants and hotels within the area. Accommodation is available and sufficiently catered with many boutiques and spas nearby.